Most people may already be familiar with one of the health disorders of Anyang-Anyangan. What is Anyang-Anyangan? Anyang-Anyangan is a symptom of an infection that occurs in the urinary tract. Infection can occur due to the invasion of microorganisms in the urinary tract. The main cause itself is bacteria named Eschericia coli, Staphylococcus Saphtopyticus, also Klebsiella or Pseudomonas. For those who experience Anyang-Anyangan, certainly very uncomfortable, especially when urination continuously. This condition can happen to anyone. However, frequent conditions occur in women rather than men. There are a number of causes of Anyang-Anyangan in women more occurring than men.
According to the Emedicine Healt explanation, women are more often experienced Anyang-anyangan than men because women have a urethra alias the place of urine shorter than men. This is what then causes women to more easily experience infections in these parts. While Anyang-Anyangan in men, most occur in elderly men.
The causes of Anyang-anyangan factor in women
Well, for you women, recognize the causes of Anyang-Anyangan in women to make it as much as possible you to be able to avoid it. Considering the risk of greater Anyang-Anyangan occurs in women than men. Here are some of the reasons:1. Urinary tract Infections
This is the cause of Anyang-Anyangan in women who are most common and most often occur. The painful urination of the bids caused by the occurrence of urinary tract infections and infections can occur because of bacteria or because of inflammation. The urinary tract consists of several parts, namely the urethra, bladder, kidneys and ureters. The urethra is the discharge of urine, while the ureters itself is a tube that carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder.In women who are experiencing this condition, the journey of the bacteria to the bladder is shorter, which causes the woman to experience an Anyang-Anyangan with pain and discomfort when urination.
2. Intimate Organ irritation
The risk of women experiencing the greater and more when doing douching in the intimate organs. Douching is washing miss V by spraying a special channel to the vaginal canal by using a special tool that has been equipped with pockets and hoses.Once the insertion of the urine catheter can be one of the causes of Anyang-Anyangan in women. Catheter installations usually need to be done for postnatal women at risk that makes it not allowed for many moves, including going to the bathroom. Or because of certain health conditions that require the installation of urine catheter. After that, the condition can trigger the occurrence of Anyang-Anyangan in women.
3. Bladder overactive
Overactive bladder can also cause women to experience anyang-Anyangan. This is because women who suddenly want a small water fruit. The impulse is derived from the contraction of the bladder. The condition may also cause urine leakage or incontinence.4. The presence of stones in the bladder
The presence of hard mineral lumps in the bladder can also cause women to experience anyang-Anyangan. Generally the appearance of stone in the bladder can occur because when urination is done not until complete. So there are still urine that will slowly clot and present the mineral crystals. So, do not be used to resist urinating or urination in a hurry. Make sure all the urine exits when urination.5. Hormonal
Hormonal factors can also cause anyang-Anyangan in women. The hornomnal factor in this case is the effect of post-menopouse as well as menopause which makes the vagina feel dry. Therefore, women of menopouse are at greater risk of experiencing Anyang-Anyangan.There are still many causes of Anyang-Anyangan, but in a study five causes of Anyang-Anyangan in women above is the more often experienced by women. So many information can be given, hopefully can give a useful information for all. Thanks.