How to cope with baby hiccups – basically almost everyone has experienced the name of a hiccup, ranging from children to adults. Usually the problem will take a while and will disappear on its own without having to be treated. But what about the hiccups on the baby? Is it safe, or not huh?
Generally, for a baby aged 0 to 6 months, it is very vulnerable to have a hiccup problem, even without the mother knowing that the baby has already had a hiccup while in the womb. Kok can, do babies still can not breathe themselves? Of course, because of the fact that the hiccups have nothing to do with breathing but rather because of the contractions of the diaphragm muscles in the body of the child.
Generally the hiccup in the newborn is normal and will be experienced by each infant and this condition is not dangerous for the health of the child. Therefore, mothers do not have to worry and panic when the little mother has a hiccup. Because the condition will disappear on its own without the need to treat mother.
What causes baby hiccups?
As already mentioned above, if the main cause of hiccups in infants aged 0 months to 6 months is the contraction of the diaphragm muscles that are usually triggered by irritation or can also be due to stimulation in the muscles. Some pediatricians suppose that in general the hiccups on newborns can occur due to daily activities in small such as eating, drinking BREAST milk or formula. Not only that, baby hiccups because cold can also be the cause.Normally a hiccup in the infant is not dangerous who get a doctor's care, but if the hiccup experienced is not lost and occurs continuously then the condition should be immediately in the beware. Because on a baby who is experiencing a disease gastroesphageal reflus will tend to experience hiccups and usually will also be accompanied by vomiting, coughing and becoming more fussy than usual.
If the signs of the mother feel to the child, then it is good to take your little one to the pediatrician to get the proper treatment and quick before the worse things happen to the beloved mother.
How to cope with baby hiccups 0 to 6 months
The normal hiccups that occur in infants do not need medications to eliminate them because they will heal on their own. However, here are some tips to address the baby's hiccups that may be beneficial to the mother:1. Try to make it burp
Usually the hiccups in newborns can occur due to the presence of air trapped in the diaphragm cavity. To make the trapped air come out, the mother must make the little burps.The way to make it burp is to carry it with the stomach position of the baby on the shoulder of the mother and gently pat the back until Yes belching. It's good to make your little burp for a few times when it's finished breastfeeding or when it's having a hiccup.
2. Always pay attention to baby lips when breastfeeding
Without the mother realized when the mouth position of the baby located untrue in the nipple or on the milk bottle it will make the air get into the stomach of the baby that can not only trigger flatulence but also often make hiccups.Therefore, it is highly recommended for mothers to always pay attention to the baby's mouth position when they are breastfeeding. Besides, mothers should also pay attention to the sound of swallowing that comes out of the mouth of babies. When a small breastfeeding is heard, it means that the baby's mouth position is not perfect.
3. Notice the dots and bottles used
If the child is breastfeeding using the dot then the mother obliged to always pay attention to the position of the bottle. Normally the slope of about 45 degrees is a good position because the position will make the milk in the bottle can flow more smoothly and minimize a lot of incoming air.In addition, the size of the holes that are in the dot can also be an influence in the baby's ability to suck milk. Where the size of the hole is small and too large will make the air become more into the abdominal cavity of the baby.
4. Watch when it's time to be hungry
Few parents know that a baby who is too hungry will usually become more cranky and when yes the fussy air will be more swallowed and into the kaffir lime cavity that can trigger the problem of flatulence as well as hiccups.Therefore, it is highly recommended for mothers to always pay attention to when it will feel hungry so that the child is not already eating angina too much. Bunda can also make a schedule then for the little ones every day.
5. Make it comfortable in a hug
Sometimes a hiccup in a new baby aged 0 to 6 months can also be triggered because it is uncomfortable in a place. To make it comfortable again, the mother can try to embrace it so that the little one becomes quieter and automatically this way can make her body warmer.Believe it or not it depends on the opinion of each of you because usually the hiccup experienced by some babies will disappear or immediately subside when it is on a magical hug from her mother.
6. Stop giving breast milk
If your mother is having a hiccup while breastfeeding, then you should stop while giving it breast milk. Try to wait for a few more minutes or can also until the hiccup is lost new mother started again to give it breast milk.Need for mothers to remember if imposing to give it breast milk when it is going to make a hiccup will be to choke. So never underestimate this little thing ya mother.
7. Try feeding gradually
In a study, giving milk or breastfeeding with a pause pattern and feeding it in a small portion but often (for babies who have already begun to learn to eat), able to prevent and reduce yes having a hiccup.The amount of food that is slightly or in small portions will make the air that goes into the channel of enlightenment is less and this condition will minimize the occurrence of hiccups.
8. Always pay attention to baby positions
In some cases, babies who are experiencing hiccups are often accompanied by vomiting. If this happens to the little one then immediately fix the position and do not let it sleep with a lying position or sit with a bent belly position.Try to make the body upright when feeding it or milk because the position will make the air flow more smoothly and prevent hiccups.
9. Make a hiccup schedule
According to the doctor, infants under 1 year old will often experience hiccups in comparison with infants who are already over 1 year old. Usually the frequency of hiccups in the baby will not happen at all times and is somewhat difficult to guess.But if the mother is too often experienced hiccups then you should try to create a schedule and record all its activities daily. It does look trivial but the note that this mother made will help the mother in making a report to the doctor if needed.
10. Consult a physician
Normal baby hiccups will usually occur only a few times and disappear on their own without having to get a doctor's treatment. But in some cases, the hiccups experienced by babies and also in the other symptoms, such as bloating, vomiting and fussy, may be a more serious problem.If your mother has symptoms like the above, it is a good idea to immediately be checked in to the doctor in order to get further treatment and to find out what diseases may be being experienced by the child.
Maybe it's just a review that admins can share today about how to cope with a hiccup in a baby aged zero to six months, hopefully with the above information can help you all. So many information can be given, hopefully can give a useful information for all. Thanks.